My Home Page

My work for "Zhilstroy" is structural design of the constructions.

Object in FEM model: ... and the same object in concrete:

Rusakov Alexander Ivanovich, Dr. of Technical Sc. phone 007-863-2635832. 344022, Bolshaya Sadovaya st., 188, 19, Rostov-on-Don.

Born in 1955 in Rostov-on-Don. Graduated from Rostov State University on speciality "Phisics" in 1977.

Working activity:
Before 2001 - the teaching in Rostov Militaty Institute of Rocket Forces.
From 2001 to 2006 - Head of the Chair of Structural Mechanics in Rostov State University of Transport Communication.
From 2006 to 2012 - Engineer, Principal Engineer, Chief of the Group on Structural Design, the J.-S. Co. "Project-8" of the Corporation "Zhilstroy" in Rostov-on-Don.
From 2012 to march 2013 - the Chief Designer of the J.-S. Co. "South Regional Scientific Research and Design Institute of City Planning" in Rostov-on-Don.

For the applied problems of structural design it is alloted special page - click here.

The breaf list of scientific papers: Paperlist.txt.

Scientific results by the branches:

1. The performance check for engineering systems.

1.1. Math. Statistics.

The article: Rusakov A.I. Checking Hypothesis of Distribution of the System State Vector by a Run of Regression Experiments under Multicollinearity. Automation and Remote Control, 1996, No.5. (In Rus. edition pp.82-95.)

The article: Rusakov A.I. An Asymptotic Approach to Analyzing Multicollinearity of the Regression Model. Automation and Remote Control, 1998, No.1. (In Rus. edition pp.181-186.)

The article: Rusakov A.I. Acceptance Check for Engineering Objects Based on Components of the Goal Characteristic. Automation and Remote Control, 1999, No.2. (In Rus. edition pp.172-179.)

The article: Rusakov A.I. An Improved Reduction Algorithm to Check Hypotheses for the Multicollinear Regression Model. Automation and Remote Control, Vol.62, No.5, 2001, pp.762-771. Preprint, PDF, 327 KB

The article: Rusakov A.I., The Technique of Experimental-Theoretical Estimation of Deflections of Monolithic Armored Floor. Industrial and Civil Engineering. 2010, No.3, pp.28-32. (In Russian.) Preprint in Russian, PDF, 175K.

Comp. program for MS DOS: Data Analysis of Testing for High-Accuracy Systems (Local Optimization of the Test Power with Stepwise Regression). File SFX 'Selctn.exe', 120 K.

1.2. Signal Filtering.

The article: Rusakov A.I., Kokhanenko I.K. Minimax-Property of Kalman's Filtering Algorithm with Inexactly Presented Dispersion Matrices. Cosmic Research, 1991, V.29, No.2. (In Rus. edition pp.194-200.)

The article: Rusakov A.I., Kokhanenko I.K. About Precision of the Linear System's State Recurrent Estimators. Cosmic Research, 1992, V.30, No.3. (In Rus. edition pp.291-300.)

The article: Rusakov A.I., Kokhanenko I.K. Linear System Indefinite State Estimation in Suggestion of Given Region of States and Stochastic Measurement Noise. Cosmic Research, 1994, V.32, No.2. (In Rus. edition pp.10-21.)

The article: Rusakov A.I. Non-optimal Estimates in the Case of Multicolleniarity. Automation and Remote Control, 1994, No.10. (In Rus. edition pp.88-104.)

1.3. Decision Theory.

The article: Rusakov A.I. Partially Bayesian Approach to the Acceptance Testing of Technical Objects. Automation and Remote Control, 1998, No.4. (In Rus. edition pp.166-172.)

1.4. Observation Models.

- Papers 12, 15 of the breaf paper-list.

2. Optimization.

The article: Rusakov A.I. Concave Programming under Simplest Linear Constraints. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 43, No. 7, 2003, pp.908-917. Preprint, PDF, 193 KB

Comp. program for MS DOS: The Concave Programming with Simplest Linear Constraints (Global Maximization of the Convex Function with a Large-Scale Vector-Argument). Archive '', 277K. Manual:PDF, 45K.

3. Linear Algebra.

The article: Rusakov A.I. Extremal Representation for Non-diagonal Elements of Hermitian Matrix. Preprint. 2007. File PDF.

4. Mechanics of Rigid Deformed Bodies.

The article: Rusakov A.I. Correct Evaluation of Reduced Masses under Impact. Bulletin of Rostov State University of Transport Communication, 2003, No.2, pp.134-137. (In Russian.) File PDF, 103K.

The report: Rusakov A.I. Rational Algorithm of Finite-Elements Method. In Coll.: Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference "Transport-2006". Part 3. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State University of Transport Communication, 2006, pp.87-89. (In Russian.)

The article: Rusakov A.I., Modeling of Pile Foundation as a Nodal System with Pair Interaction: Theoretical Basics. Industrial and Civil Engineering. 2012, No.5, pp.38-41. (In Russian.)

The article: Rusakov A.I., Modeling of Pile Foundation as a Nodal System with Pair Interaction: Comparative Analisis of Simulation Results. Industrial and Civil Engineering. 2012, No.6, pp.37-39. (In Russian.)

My books

The textbook for higher ed. inst.: Rusakov A.I. Course of Lectures on Strength of Materials. Rostov-on-Don, "Kniga" (Russia), 2004. 326 p.

Abstract, Contents, Introduction (In English, PDF)

Lecture 10. Shear Stresses due to Bending (In Russian, PDF)

Lecture 29. Impact Action of Load (In Russian, PDF)

The textbook for higher ed. inst.: Rusakov A.I. Structural Mechanics. Moscow: Prospect, 2009. 359 p.

Abstract, Contents, Introduction (In English, PDF)

Lecture 1. Kinematic Analysis Basics in Structural Mechanics (In Russian, PDF)

Lecture 19. Finite Element Method in Elastic Body Mechanics (In Russian, PDF)